Sunday, 1 February 2009


Well ladies, it's happened, it's gone and died on me. I could use some very interesting language now, but I won't, not in the presence of all you ladies. Thursday morning it was fine, Thursday evening it didn't want to know. It is now in repairland. So I'm hoping fingers and toes crossed to have it back by the end of the week, if not I don't know what I'm going to do as I'm having withdrawal symptons already.
I have to say it's one of the most frustrating things, when it finally stops working and however much you reason with it, it just doesn't want to know. I'm on a friend's computer at the moment, but unfortunately I can't spend the time I would like to, to read and catch up on the last couple of days and leave comments on your lovely blogs. I hope to be back with you very shortly.
Missing you already.


Shabby Chick said...

Oh no Nicky, I hope it's back soon. It's not the same without you about.

Mel xxx

Beki said...

Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
((Big hugs))
Beki xxx

Flossie and Tom said...

So sorry to hear about your computer - mine played up on Friday and I was nearly in tears - its like losing your right arm.

Hope its fixed soon


Pixiedust said...

Hope its fixed very soon. xxxxx


I know how you feel mine gave up about a month ago and i gave it to a friend to fix who to my amazement wasent in too much of a hurry to bring it back.
I was totally lost without it , guess i need to get a life other than blogging lol
Hope it returns to you quicker than mine

Poppy said...

Aww bless I hope you get it sorted out soon!
Love Lou xxx


Hello Holly
On my blog Wait Till I tell ye i am doing a little post on can a cuddly toy travel the blog world
would you like to join in for a bit of fun