Hello ladies, how are you all, well I hope. I know I haven't blogged for simply ages - 3 months to be exact. I really don't know where the time goes, hours turn into days which turn into weeks - maybe it's an age thing.
It's been very busy here, work is progressing well on the barn. Holly's bedroom is nearer the finish than the beginning which is great. I've had a brief trip back to the UK to visit some friends. My oldest has taken his BacS and (bear with me for a proud mother moment) done really exceptionally well, 15.50 which is a Mention Bien and in the top four of his year for the Science Bac. We've had some friends to visit which was great and we've all broken up for the summer hols, since the beginning of June in fact. It's been baking hot with the odd drop of rain in between.
I've made some enormous linen curtains for a french lady which looked stunning when hung, I was so relieved. I've made a baby changing bag for a friend along with her name embroidered on the front in amongst other things. I'm pursuing the jewellery making aspect, using fabric, lace, painted wood anything I fancy really, so I'll let you know how that goes. I really need to knuckle down and organise my days so that I can timetable in time for making things, tidying the mess which regularly occurs in the barn, at the moment plaster walked from one end to other and all the other motherly, house wifey duties.
Anyway I sincerely hope this finds you all well, and I will timetable in time for blogging too.
Take care and enjoy your summer holiday.